Saturday, October 07, 2006

American Military

Just going through my images from Washington - I took a couple cool pictures of the Iwa Jima memorial. The memorial is basedon a real picture taken during world War II in Japan. Marines putting a flag on top of a mountain. Three of the men in the memorial statue died on the island during the war, I think they were all 22, at least all in their 20's.
Wierd moments there, we asked the kids what the statue made them feel - bravery, pride, things you might expect. I think it's odd because those were the same feelings I had, but I am mostly a pacifist...although I have so few soapboxes these days...basically I know nothing. I love the line in the movie Rudy when he asks the priest what the deal is with God....the priest responds by saying "son in 46 years of theological study I am only sure of 2 things.. there is a God, and I am not Him."
So all that to say, any thoughts on the memorial, war in general etc...?


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